Friday, August 26, 2016

Labor Day Artisan River Walk 2016

(Follow the link above for more information)

September 2, 2016 11:00AM - September 5, 2016 8:00PM

"Enjoy a stroll along the picturesque River Walk, stop to talk to the artisans who are anxious to share information about their craft, and take home an item that will enhance your home, wardrobe or garden." 


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Plan to Fight Drug and Alcohol Addiction.

The mind is all-powerful and its effect on the body is profound and healing.  The use of mind and body techniques can and will reduce stress-induced illnesses such as substance abuse.  If you can use your mind effectively you will find inner-peace and self-discovery.  There are different approaches which may include relaxation, Reiki, therapy dogs, gardening, and dozens of others.

At Lifeforce Recovery of San Antonio we use the guiding principles of 12-step and much more.  Every patient has a program which is tailored to their specific needs.  Some of the procedures may include Reiki healing, positive psychology, tai chi, crystal healing, acupuncture, clinical hypnotherapy, a diet and exercise program, and perhaps prayer as well as so much more.

Discover your life force for the first time.  If you or a loved one has been battling alcohol or drug addiction take action and gain control of your life.  Take the next important step and call Lifeforce Recovery at (210) 314-7687.  Lifeforce is San Antonio’s alcohol and drug alternative treatment center.  Make an appointment to visit with their healing staff soon.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Art of Sound Healing.

Have you heard of sound healing?  This is the use of ancient sounds and instruments to enrich the body, the mind, and the spirit.  Why is sound a powerful healing tool?  Sound is vibrational and the human body is vibrational in nature.  Every culture on earth uses sound to invoke and transform different stages of consciousness.

There is an old Hindu saying known as “Nada Brahma”.  This means all creation is sound.  In the Judeo-Christian culture one may say that in the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God.  This is a direct quote from the Bible (John 1:1).  The nature and power of sound corresponds with creation itself in nearly all cultures.

Understanding the power of sound as it pertains to healing is a vital process.  In the San Antonio area Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is a professional Sound Healing Center.  They may have the answers in learning more about this fascinating art of managing all parts of your complex body through sound.  Call them to make an appointment at (210) 314-7687.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Biofeedback Aura Imaging

(Follow the Link Above)

We are excited to introduce to you the Biofeedback Aura Imaging system, a new holistic service at Kuadra. By looking at your aura, we are able to get a sense of who you really are, where you're coming from, and how you're wanting to grow as spirit. We may see past experiences which have affected you. We may also get insights into next steps you're wanting to take in future. 

Call for more information!  (210) 314-7687

Monday, July 18, 2016

How to Stop Smoking.

It is harder than kicking heroin they say.  The pleasures and the “coolness” of smoking are generally far outweighed by the danger.  Nearly every adult that gets hooked from their teenage years wants and needs to stop when they reach adulthood.  Now comes the method.  Is it cold turkey?  That is really tough.  Maybe patches?  Expensive and generally ineffective.

How about hypnosis?  This may be just the answer you have been seeking to help you quit smoking forever.  Hypnotherapy changes your mental state.  When that changes your physical desires change with it.  A hypnotherapist is a trained therapist who will assist you with the challenges of not only the insidious habit of smoking, but of overeating and other vile behaviors.

Hypnotherapy may be the answer for you.  In the San Antonio area Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is a professional stop smoking hypnotherapy center.  They may be just the place to start on the road to controlling your smoking habits and other behaviors that you wish to quit.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Importance of Biofeedback.

How much stress are you under?  Every day we are presented with events and situations that cause our stress levels to spike.  Sometimes you can even talk yourself into a “panic attack”.  Oh yes, it is very real and needs to be addressed.  Let’s introduce you to Biofeedback.  It has been proven to be an effective way of treating conditions that develop or are enhanced by increased stress.

Biofeedback therapy centers teaches individuals to exercise mentally.  At first, these exercises need to be monitored, but eventually a patient will learn to control them without monitoring.  In a biofeedback session electrodes are attached to one’s head.  Information is then sent to what is known as a “monitoring box”.  After less than 10 sessions most patients will notice positive results.

Biofeedback may be right for you.  Until you reach out and seek the proper source of treatment you will never know.  In the San Antonio area Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is a professional biofeedback center.  They may be just the place to start on the road to controlling your stress levels.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687.

Monday, June 27, 2016

San Antonio 4th of July Celebration!

(click link above for more information)
"On Monday July 4th, 2016, bring the entire family to Woodlawn Lake Park and join us for the biggest and best party in town celebrating our nation’s birth and our freedom. Families are invited to participate in a fun-filled day of games, food and musical entertainment.
San Antonio’s official Independence Day Celebration is a FREE event sponsored by the San Antonio Parks Foundation, in cooperation with the City of San Antonio and the Parks and Recreation Department."

Friday, June 17, 2016

Conversations with GOD

This country now is in a trial, and this trial is presenting itself as cultural magnification of everything that did not work for a very long time. The elements of greed and the elements of ownership and the elements of entitlement are all up for grabs right now as the paradigm shift in this culture is changing. People believe in this country right now that everything will go back to normal in a year or two and if that were to be the case, that would be a very sad thing. Because this is about transformation and moving forward. And it is not about amassing fortunes and it is not about people being deprived. It is about understanding who you are as consciousness and this country, right now, is having to re-identify itself in its consciousness and therefore is in trial.

The experiences of it, the things that happen to motivate change, are not always kind to the ego self or to the systems that have been created to protect it. So you understand this: When a trial occurs, everything that is encountered is about amassing an energy field that will create change, and that change will then provoke transformation to a higher level if this change is embarked on consciously and not in fear. Everything can be made new in a positive way if you engage with it as consciousness, and as consciousness

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Research and Evaluation.

Doing the research.  For organizations, school districts, governments, etc. the task can be daunting.  Generally speaking, someone is hired to head up the research and present the findings to a board.  That person may be adept at many things, but chances are they are not professional researchers and evaluators, which is a very specific skill set.

Do you have someone that can evaluate a detailed course of action?  How about orchestrating and developing the plan of action that the majority can agree on?  Does your individual or group know how to conduct meaningful interviews and cogently author a plan of action?  How fluent are they at conveying those findings to the board?

This function is too important to the future of your organization not to outsource it.  If you are in charge of an organization in the greater San Antonio area you have one clear choice.  Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service.  Kuadra is a professional San Antonio researcher and evaluator.  They will give you the answers that you seek.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Getting that Important Grant.

You talk about competitive, wow.  Acquiring a grant for something that will change your life forever is right up there with getting that perfect job.  You as an individual or as a representative of an organization needs that financial support to succeed.  If you write a compelling grant application this may be the difference between success and failure.

There are different types of grants, of course.  Some are state grants, some are at the federal level, and some apply to non-profit organizations.  Each one is different in its construction and must be treated as such.  If you represent a charitable organization your mission is obtain the most funding so that you can make a difference in your community.

It’s great to know that in San Antonio you have the help you need in crafting that perfect grant request.  The experienced, professional grant writers at Kuadra Consulting will craft the right words to help you secure that essential funding.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the talented team at Kuadra Consulting.  Your future is at stake.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Summer Art & Jazz Festival

Friday, Jun 3, 2016 - Monday, Jun 6, 2016
Crockett Park
1300 N Main Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78212

The San Antonio Summer Art & Jazz Festival, also known as SAS FEST, is a free, three-day event featuring an outstanding line-up of local, regional, and nationally known jazz artists, with an Arts & Crafts Fair, as well as delicious food and drinks.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Being in Sync with your Spouse when Planning Retirement.

You and your life partner have spent decades together.  Your hopes and dreams have been intertwined.  Maybe you have raised a family and now they are out of the nest.  Now comes the subject of retirement.  One person may be ready while the other is not and you need to have a frank discussion with perhaps a third person about your plans for the best years of your lives.

Here are 5 ways to begin working together to retire the way you BOTH want to -
1.  Discuss the disempowerment of no longer working each day.
2.  Don’t assume what your partner is thinking about your future together.
3.  Never stop communicating.  Old feelings can linger if not discussed.
4.  Don’t make hasty decisions…especially financial ones.
5.  Seek the help of a retirement counselor.

For those of us in the San Antonio Texas area there is a place to get the counseling that you and your spouse need.  Discuss real life solutions with the professionals at Kuadra Consulting.  Kuadra Consulting of San Antonio has retirement counselors on staff.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your retirement relationship goals.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Managing Your Emotions.

Your emotions are the single most important figure in human life.  They are what separates us from earth’s other life forms.  We all desire to feel good or happy, content and have a sense of fulfillment.  Across the world billions of people spend multi-billions of dollars on medicine and drugs that help them self-medicate.  Is masking the problem the answer?

While those foreign substances interact with your body your emotions will continue to rise and fall.  As time passes we begin to understand that our feelings whether they be good or bad are part of the human experience.  When you discover that YOU have more control over your personal behavior you can transform your thoughts and become more centered.

If you live in the San Antonio, Texas area there is a friend that will help you manage your emotions.  San Antonio residents can discuss real life solutions with the professionals at Kuadra Consulting.  Kuadra Consulting is an emotion management consulting oasis in San Antonio.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your unique situation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hidden Gems in San Antonio

Hidden Gems in San Antonio
<click the link above for information>

"Whether you're a San Antonio native, newcomer, or visitor - we all miss things that are right in front of our faces."  Find out here what hidden gems San Antonio has to offer!

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Trials and Tribulations of Couples.

If you have a significant other one thing is nearly certain…you will go through different stages in your relationship.  The euphoria of a new coupling won’t last forever.  The true measure of a healthy relationship is your willingness to listen and grow as a partner.  Every couple will go through rough patches where compromise is necessary to preserve what you know to be right for both of you.

One key to success is to celebrate your partner’s strengths and try to better understand their weaknesses.  People who communicate rather than state their own case constantly will fare better in the long run.  Such hot topics as infidelity, parenting opinions, communication skills, and just simple trust in general may all come into play during the course of an ever-evolving relationship.

Those of you who live in the San Antonio Texas should visit this website:  This is where San Antonio couples in conflict can discuss real life solutions in a friendly, non-threatening environment.  Call Kuadra Consulting today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your particular situation.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

San Antonio Shamanic Sound Healing

San Antonio Shamanic Sound Healing
(click the link above)

This group is about bringing back ancient shamanic practices and healing methods. Recovering your power animal, shamanic journeying, soul retrieval ceremonies, purification and illumination of body, mind and spirit practices. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Embracing Diversity in San Antonio.

If you have not seen the movie Zootopia - do so.  It is an animated lesson in living together in a diverse world.  We highly recommend taking everyone in your family to the film.  You will get a chuckle or two, shed a tear or two, and hopefully grow from the experience.  Cultural diversity has a huge effect on our future in San Antonio and America.

Moving forward, the ability to work in a diverse workplace is vital.  Employees must understand that their values are respected, understood, and recognized.  When this becomes the standard there is strong motivation and teamwork in the office.  When every worker feels that they are a significant part of the whole everyone pulls together to achieve that company’s goals.

If you are a resident of the San Antonio, Texas area please visit this website:  There you will find a qualified business counselor to assist you in moving forward with workplace diversity.  Call Kuadra Consulting today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your particular business environment.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Egg Hunts & Easter Events in San Antonio

Easter is Sunday, March 27, but there are egg hunts in San Antonio and other spring-themed activities planned throughout the month of March.  Click the link above to find one near you!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Hypnotherapy in San Antonio to Stop Smoking.

There is no question about it - quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things that a human being can do.  It is also most definitely one of the most important things that they will ever do.  That insidious drug nicotine takes hold of you and does not let go easily.  Many have said it is harder to quit smoking than it is to quit heroine. 

Here is a suggestion to carefully consider.  Quit smoking through hypnosis.  If you have tried various “over the counter” methods such as patches and other nicotine replacements and they have not solved the problem maybe it is time to think strongly about another option.  Hypnotherapy is induced by instructions given to you by a hypnotherapist.

If you are a resident of the San Antonio Texas area you are just a phone call away from speaking to a qualified Texas hypnotherapist.  Please visit this website:  Find the assistance that you seek to finally quit smoking through hypnotherapy.  Call Kuadra Consulting today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your particular situation.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

When Relationships are Chronically Bad.

Many relationships suffer from a chronic pattern of dysfunctionality.  This may come in many forms, some of which are painfully obvious.  There is repeated physical or emotional abuse.  Eventually the question arises…why would anyone put themselves through this repeated angst?  It would be nice if there was a pat answer to that question, but each individual situation is unique.

There is a term for this type of aberrant behavior coined by Sigmund Freud.  He called the phenomenon “repetition compulsion”.  When a person’s early parental experience is characterized by frustration, abandonment, rejection, and other negative receptors we become filled with the notion that something is wrong with us.  We try to “fix the problem” by ignoring it and just being submissive.

If you live in the San Antonio Texas area you may discover that help may be just a phone call away.  Please browse the website of  Find the assistance that you seek to combat “repetition compulsion”.  Call Kuadra Consulting today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your individual situation.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wholistic Festival & Exhibition, March 2016

Wholistic Festival & Exhibition

Sunday, March 20th, 2016
11am - 6pm
Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel
More than 70+ exhibitors offering Healthy Living, Tarot, Astrology, Psychic, Intuitive and Lithomancy Readings, Mediumship, Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Aura & Chakra Photos, Numerology, Holistic and Alternative Wellness, Crystals, Rocks, Jewelry, Skincare and much more bring the world of metaphysics to San Antonio’s Wholistic Festival.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a phrase we have all heard.  Obviously there are various levels of this condition. By definition bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can result in extreme shifts in mood almost without any warning.  It is also known by the term manic depression.  A person suffering from this may go from feeling exited to impulsive then euphoric and suddenly full of renewed energy.

Where it becomes complicated and particularly challenging for people who experience this malady in their loved ones is when they watch someone go from energized to deep depression in short order.  This is not always just a short-term event.  It may linger for days, weeks, or even months.  Everyone has bad days, but for some the highs and lows are extreme and ongoing.

What can we do about Bipolar Disorder?  If you live in the San Antonio Texas area help may be just a phone call away.  Please take a few minutes and visit the website of  Here you will find assistance in managing bipolar disorder. Do not hesitate.  Call Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your particular situation.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ways to Help Strengthen Your Community.

San Antonio is our home.  It is where we live, work, and play.  All of us want to have a better life in Bexar County.  Some of the following list may seem obvious, but if we all did any and all of these things everyone and everything around us would seem better.

1.  Don’t drink and drive
2.  Get to know your neighbors
3.  Volunteer to work with youth or seniors or both
4.  Tip generously if you can and make someone’s day happier
5.  Be patient and try to smile
6.  Spay or neuter your pets
7.  Stand up for someone who is being bullied
8.  Strike up a conversation with those who are lonely
9.  Do your shopping locally
10.  Pick up food and distribute it to the homeless and the hungry

See…just common sense things that would make life in San Antonio better for all of us.  We invite you to visit the website of  Here you will find a myriad of ideas that bring family and community together for the betterment of our great city.  Call Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Valentine's Day is just around the corner!

San Antonio Valentine's Day Restaurant Reservations
Sunday, February 14 is around the corner – we're here to help you plan.
Read on to find restaurants with specials, set-menus and other Valentine's Day treats for the occasion.

Monday, January 18, 2016

A Healthy Individual = a Healthy Society.

More and more these days we are hearing about individuals who are unstable and wreak havoc on those that are just trying to live their daily lives.  With more people on the planet and more agendas to address, it does not take more than one or two unstable people to disrupt the lives of hundreds of law-abiding citizens.

First of all, to have a healthy society we must recognize the diversity and inherent worth of each individual who inhabits our community.  On a larger scale it is important to extend that understanding to this ever-growing country and even the planet itself.  To help manage this situation we need to acknowledge each individual’s path in life.

The staff of Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is guided by these basic tenants.  At Kuadra we work with families to help them meet and exceed their expectations for life.  Our goal has been and always will be bringing out the greatest potential of any individual or family in the San Antonio area.  Please give us a call at (210) 314-7687 to find out how Kuadra can make a positive impact on your future.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Stay Tuned - LifeForce Recovery

Stay tuned for the emergence of LifeForce Recovery, a place that will be located near San Antonio Texas. It will be the largest international practice center and community of bodhisattvas.  LifeForce will invite anyone who is motivated by great compassion and desire to heal the suffering and those afflicted with trauma, emotional, physical and mental health issues.  

This mosaic community founded by Shamanic practitioner and psychotherapist Khadijat Quadri, enjoins all faiths and talents of people to create a new spiritual community of healing. One that recognizes that spirit transcends all faiths, race, ethnicity and geographical placement.  One that truly acknowledges the spirit in all beings of life and the interconnectedness of all people, beings of nature and spirit.  To see that we are all one being in the true consciousness of GOD.  A community that recognizes that the trauma of one equals the trauma of all.  A community of care that recognizes the need to return to our true original belief that it takes a village to heal the one to heal the whole.  

At LifeForce Recovery we will weave mindfulness, shamanic practices, Christianity, energy work, Reiki healing, sound and more, into all our daily activities, training ourselves to be bodhisattvas and Zen masters throughout the day: while healing, eating, walking, working, or enjoying a cup of tea together.  LifeForce will be a home away from home, and a beautiful, nourishing, simple environment in which to cultivate the mind of Spiritual awakening to who we truly are.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself.

That is a very famous line uttered by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt at a time when an entire nation needed positive reinforcement.  It worked 80 years ago and the same expression works for us today.  Everyone feels fear.  It is how you handle it that will determine the outcome of events in your life.  Remember this…heroes feel fear the same as cowards.  They just handle it differently.

Fear can be a great motivator at times.  It may warn us of impending danger and cause us to prepare well for the challenges ahead.  Sometimes we fear rejection and even fear success.  Whatever we fear we must confront those feelings and decide if it is genuinely effecting our future or if it is merely unfounded. 

At KUADRA Consulting and Counseling Service of San Antonio Texas we help you confront your fears.  Kuadra works with individuals, families, and even groups.  Maybe this New Year it is time to face what you fear and discuss it with trained counselors who will help you turn paralysis into analysis.  Call Kuadra Consulting of San Antonio today at (210) 314-7687.