Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ways to Help Strengthen Your Community.

San Antonio is our home.  It is where we live, work, and play.  All of us want to have a better life in Bexar County.  Some of the following list may seem obvious, but if we all did any and all of these things everyone and everything around us would seem better.

1.  Don’t drink and drive
2.  Get to know your neighbors
3.  Volunteer to work with youth or seniors or both
4.  Tip generously if you can and make someone’s day happier
5.  Be patient and try to smile
6.  Spay or neuter your pets
7.  Stand up for someone who is being bullied
8.  Strike up a conversation with those who are lonely
9.  Do your shopping locally
10.  Pick up food and distribute it to the homeless and the hungry

See…just common sense things that would make life in San Antonio better for all of us.  We invite you to visit the website of  Here you will find a myriad of ideas that bring family and community together for the betterment of our great city.  Call Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687.

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