Monday, January 4, 2016

The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself.

That is a very famous line uttered by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt at a time when an entire nation needed positive reinforcement.  It worked 80 years ago and the same expression works for us today.  Everyone feels fear.  It is how you handle it that will determine the outcome of events in your life.  Remember this…heroes feel fear the same as cowards.  They just handle it differently.

Fear can be a great motivator at times.  It may warn us of impending danger and cause us to prepare well for the challenges ahead.  Sometimes we fear rejection and even fear success.  Whatever we fear we must confront those feelings and decide if it is genuinely effecting our future or if it is merely unfounded. 

At KUADRA Consulting and Counseling Service of San Antonio Texas we help you confront your fears.  Kuadra works with individuals, families, and even groups.  Maybe this New Year it is time to face what you fear and discuss it with trained counselors who will help you turn paralysis into analysis.  Call Kuadra Consulting of San Antonio today at (210) 314-7687.

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