Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Being in Sync with your Spouse when Planning Retirement.

You and your life partner have spent decades together.  Your hopes and dreams have been intertwined.  Maybe you have raised a family and now they are out of the nest.  Now comes the subject of retirement.  One person may be ready while the other is not and you need to have a frank discussion with perhaps a third person about your plans for the best years of your lives.

Here are 5 ways to begin working together to retire the way you BOTH want to -
1.  Discuss the disempowerment of no longer working each day.
2.  Don’t assume what your partner is thinking about your future together.
3.  Never stop communicating.  Old feelings can linger if not discussed.
4.  Don’t make hasty decisions…especially financial ones.
5.  Seek the help of a retirement counselor.

For those of us in the San Antonio Texas area there is a place to get the counseling that you and your spouse need.  Discuss real life solutions with the professionals at Kuadra Consulting.  Kuadra Consulting of San Antonio has retirement counselors on staff.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your retirement relationship goals.

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