Tuesday, March 1, 2016

When Relationships are Chronically Bad.

Many relationships suffer from a chronic pattern of dysfunctionality.  This may come in many forms, some of which are painfully obvious.  There is repeated physical or emotional abuse.  Eventually the question arises…why would anyone put themselves through this repeated angst?  It would be nice if there was a pat answer to that question, but each individual situation is unique.

There is a term for this type of aberrant behavior coined by Sigmund Freud.  He called the phenomenon “repetition compulsion”.  When a person’s early parental experience is characterized by frustration, abandonment, rejection, and other negative receptors we become filled with the notion that something is wrong with us.  We try to “fix the problem” by ignoring it and just being submissive.

If you live in the San Antonio Texas area you may discover that help may be just a phone call away.  Please browse the website of www.kuadracs.com.  Find the assistance that you seek to combat “repetition compulsion”.  Call Kuadra Consulting today at (210) 314-7687 and talk to the trained professionals about your individual situation.

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