Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Family Gatherings during the Holidays.

As Families gather together during the holidays things are brought to the forefront that are not seen or discussed at other times of the year.  Perhaps there is a family member that is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.  Maybe one or more of the individuals at the holiday table are having extreme issues at school.  Perhaps there are aging parents that now need extra care.  There are so many family issues that you may have chosen to put on the back-burner this past year.

Do not shirk from these real-life issues.  They certainly are not going to disappear when everyone disperses after the holidays.  Eventually, sooner or later they must be dealt with.  We know that the beginning of the discussion is always the most difficult.  Try to find the right time and place to diplomatically discuss the issues that are troubling your loved ones.

If you live in the San Antonio Texas area KUADRA Consulting and Counseling Service helps individuals and families to recognize, understand, and cope with problems and conflicts they are experiencing.  We will help your family deal with these personal conflicts after the holidays by not only providing counseling, but helping them locate other services if need be.  Please call Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687 and arrange a meeting at their office at 100 W. Central Texas Expy Suite 212 in Harker Heights.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Get in the Season's Spirit with these 10 Holiday Events

10 Holiday Events in San Antonio
The Holidays are upon us!  And the city of San Antonio really knows how to celebrate the Holiday Season.  Check out these fun events going on in December!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is Our Higher Self?

We all aspire to be better than we are today, don’t we?  Why not do so if there is a way to self-betterment?  A higher self is a term that is used to describe a state of consciousness that uplifts us to our ultimate destiny.  Now, just why should that be important to us?  If we are living only in a material world we may get lost in the purpose of life beyond “earning a paycheck”.  And yet there was a time in all of our lives when we lived for the sheer joy of life itself.

Close your eyes and see your higher self as being detached from your earthly goals of working each day and making a living and being on time.  Go beyond the cares and obligations of this world for a moment.  You will find that this higher self within you actually loves you more than YOU love YOU!  Let your higher self be your teacher and guide you toward a better understanding of life.

For more information about getting in touch with your Higher Self and other meaningful self-help tools that may change your life forever, contact Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service of San Antonio Texas.  At Kuadra we have been helping individuals, families, and businesses with various training and workshops for years.  Give us a call today at (210) 314-7687.

What is Reiki?

Reiki was invented by the Japanese in ancient times to reduce stress and help the most privileged in society at that time achieve a relaxed state of mind and body.  The basis of Reiki is that we all have an unseen “life force energy” that flows through our bodies.  This is what causes us to actually be alive.

When that “life force energy” for any reason is low our bodies will become susceptible to sickness and stress.  Have we not all experienced this?  When that energy is high we feel as if we can climb mountains.  We feel healthier and more fulfilled in our daily life and capable of tackling more tasks, even the more mundane ones that come from everyday living.

Learn more about this simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual and emotional healing.  If you live in the San Antonio area call Dr.Quadri at Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687 or visit her website at www.kuadracs.com.  She will help you and/or your group learn the secrets of Reiki to make it a great self-help tool for the future.