Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is Reiki?

Reiki was invented by the Japanese in ancient times to reduce stress and help the most privileged in society at that time achieve a relaxed state of mind and body.  The basis of Reiki is that we all have an unseen “life force energy” that flows through our bodies.  This is what causes us to actually be alive.

When that “life force energy” for any reason is low our bodies will become susceptible to sickness and stress.  Have we not all experienced this?  When that energy is high we feel as if we can climb mountains.  We feel healthier and more fulfilled in our daily life and capable of tackling more tasks, even the more mundane ones that come from everyday living.

Learn more about this simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual and emotional healing.  If you live in the San Antonio area call Dr.Quadri at Kuadra Consulting at (210) 314-7687 or visit her website at  She will help you and/or your group learn the secrets of Reiki to make it a great self-help tool for the future.

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