Monday, July 25, 2016

Biofeedback Aura Imaging

(Follow the Link Above)

We are excited to introduce to you the Biofeedback Aura Imaging system, a new holistic service at Kuadra. By looking at your aura, we are able to get a sense of who you really are, where you're coming from, and how you're wanting to grow as spirit. We may see past experiences which have affected you. We may also get insights into next steps you're wanting to take in future. 

Call for more information!  (210) 314-7687

Monday, July 18, 2016

How to Stop Smoking.

It is harder than kicking heroin they say.  The pleasures and the “coolness” of smoking are generally far outweighed by the danger.  Nearly every adult that gets hooked from their teenage years wants and needs to stop when they reach adulthood.  Now comes the method.  Is it cold turkey?  That is really tough.  Maybe patches?  Expensive and generally ineffective.

How about hypnosis?  This may be just the answer you have been seeking to help you quit smoking forever.  Hypnotherapy changes your mental state.  When that changes your physical desires change with it.  A hypnotherapist is a trained therapist who will assist you with the challenges of not only the insidious habit of smoking, but of overeating and other vile behaviors.

Hypnotherapy may be the answer for you.  In the San Antonio area Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is a professional stop smoking hypnotherapy center.  They may be just the place to start on the road to controlling your smoking habits and other behaviors that you wish to quit.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Importance of Biofeedback.

How much stress are you under?  Every day we are presented with events and situations that cause our stress levels to spike.  Sometimes you can even talk yourself into a “panic attack”.  Oh yes, it is very real and needs to be addressed.  Let’s introduce you to Biofeedback.  It has been proven to be an effective way of treating conditions that develop or are enhanced by increased stress.

Biofeedback therapy centers teaches individuals to exercise mentally.  At first, these exercises need to be monitored, but eventually a patient will learn to control them without monitoring.  In a biofeedback session electrodes are attached to one’s head.  Information is then sent to what is known as a “monitoring box”.  After less than 10 sessions most patients will notice positive results.

Biofeedback may be right for you.  Until you reach out and seek the proper source of treatment you will never know.  In the San Antonio area Kuadra Consulting and Counseling Service is a professional biofeedback center.  They may be just the place to start on the road to controlling your stress levels.  Call them today at (210) 314-7687.